Group Moves

Nino & Associates are one of the most seasoned comprehensive Corporate Relocation Home Finding Companies in Houston, Texas. They have have assisted administrative support staff employees to the CEO’s of Houston’s major corporations. Below is a list of some of the Group Moves Nino & Associates, Inc. and or Nino Corporate Lodging, Inc. participated in due to mergers, acquisitions, and corporate office relocations. We invite you to join our impressive list of satisfied corporate relocation clients.
We provide individualized services that are a perfect fit for your employees. From conducting a needs assessment to determining the resources required for your group, to delivering presentations to your clients about local destinations and providing a resource for your relocating team members, Nino provides it all.
Group Move Participation Directly with Client/Human Resources into Houston, Texas:
- Enron/Northern Gas Pipeline merger with Houston Natural Gas from Florida and Omaha, NB
- Sanger Harris/Foleys
- M.W. Kellogg Co from Hackensack, NY
- Natco from Tulsa, OK
- Amerada Hess from Tulsa, OK
- Chase Bank from Brooklyn and Long Island, NY
- Bancomer from California
- SBC from St. Louis, MO to San Antonio, TX.
- Solvay-Interox from France and Denver, CO
- LBMS from the United Kingdom
- Amoco Production from New Orleans, LA
- M.W. Kellogg/Procon Engineering from Los Angeles and the United Kingdom
- Chase Manhattan Bank from New York City and Long Island, NY
- MD Anderson and the Dana Farber Institute – Harvard University
Group Move Participation with/for Relocation Management Companies:
- Citgo from Tulsa, OK
- Exxon from New Orleans, LA
- Nordstrom’s from many of their other locations
- Tenneco/El Paso Energy from El Paso, TX
- Digital Equipment Corporation from Maynard, MA
- Quaker State/Pennzoil from Pennsylvania
- United Pacific Railroad/Anadarko from Fort Worth, TX
- Exxon/Mobil from Fairfax, VA
- Shell Oil from Sewickley, PA
- XTO Merger with Exxon/Mobil from Fort Worth
When it comes to corporate relocation in Houston, Nino Properties is with you every step of the way!